European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (“EaSI”) The European Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” 2014-20201 is a European-level financing instrument managed directly by the European Commission to contribute to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy, by providing financial support for the Union’s objectives in terms of promoting a high level of quality and sustainable employment, guaranteeing adequate and decent social protection, combating social exclusion and poverty and improving working conditions.
The EaSI Programme shall, in all its axes and actions, aim to
: a) pay particular attention to vulnerable groups, such as young people; b) promote equality between women and men, c) combat discrimination based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation; d) promote a high-level of quality and sustainable employment, guarantee adequate and decent social protection, combat long-term unemployment and fight against poverty and social exclusion. Hence, in designing, implementing and reporting on the activity, beneficiaries/contractors must address the issues noted above and will be required to provide detail, in the final activity report on the steps and achievements made towards addressing those aims. This call for proposals is issued in the context of the implementation of the 2015 annual work programme for grants and procurement for EaSI (EURES axis), which upon adoption, can be consulted at: The Targeted Mobility Scheme “Your first EURES job” (hereinafter referred to as TMSYfEj) will be implemented in the framework of the EaSI Regulation (EU) N° 1296/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013, EURES Axis, Articles 20 b) and 21 d)2 . This scheme constitutes a continuation of ‘Your first EURES job’ which was a preparatory action approved under the EU budget for the period 2011-2013.
Budget: €6,000,000
Co-finding: 95%
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